The Boulder Obstructing the View

Have you ever climbed a hill waiting to see the beautiful view just around the corner to see that there is a large boulder or tree blocking the way? Or it's not around that corner but maybe it's around the next one, or the next one? Today's blog is a hard one to write. It's a story of road blocks, unachieved goals and tears. There's a boulder obstructing the view. How do you write about emotions that are hard to feel, little own understand? My mind tumbles through my thoughts like a dryer turning through clothes. See although the home study interview went well and my social worker is lovely, we have officially arrived at the boulder... MONEY I found out over a week ago, in my first interview with the social worker, that next Thursday I need to have evidence that I can afford to adopt. I need evidence that I have access to $50,000. And. I. Don't. This $50,000 will cover the cost of flights, accommodation, legal fees, translation costs and taking a year...