Fragrant Indian-Spiced Lamb Curry and Pancakes!

Things have been very quiet on the adoption front lately as my documents sit on someone's desk in India waiting to be looked at. I need to get used to this though. Once my documents are checked I will be waiting for months or even years to be matched. It's a lesson in patient waiting. So in the mean time lets talk cooking! I love creating delicious food. If it doesn't taste good why make it?! Near the beginning of this year I started what I thought would be a tradition of having pancakes at the start of every school holidays. A celebratory type thing. This has turned into pancakes every weekend because who doesn't like celebrating weekends?! But these aren't just any pancakes. I use the recipe in Chelsea Winter's book 'EAT'. I don't have the rights to share this recipe with you but I would suggest you buy this book anyway as the recipe is not available online and there are many great recipes in it. Trust me, I've cooked over 75% of the main...