In the Waiting

Waiting is an interesting conundrum. How long will it take? What else could I be doing while I'm waiting or instead of waiting? Waiting is never easy. We are all waiting for something in life, a new job, children to leave home, a pay rise, getting married, the queue at the supermarket or the husband to fix something! Sometimes we wait with faith, not actually knowing if what we are waiting for will come about. Other times we wait, knowing that what we are waiting for will come to pass. The waiting for the latter is easier but we still require hope in our waiting.

I'm not the best at waiting but I find it easier when I have something to do while I wait.

The struggle that exists with waiting for Bunny is not having an end date. I don't know when the waiting will end, I'm in a limbo of waiting for something that I know will change my life with no idea when it will happen. In the meantime I have to live! So what do I do in my living and waiting?

7 years ago I started sewing and this is now one of my favourite past times. I always have projects on the go (note the plural use of that word), and the sewing machine has semi-permanent residence on my dinning room table. I only have one sewing machine but am now the proud owner of two overlockers which were both gifted to me and look like they are from another life-time.

I sew a variety of things... hobby horses, teepees, quilts, baby blankets and dresses for an organisation called 'Dress a Girl Around the World.' I don't often sew clothes for myself. Part of me would like to, another part of me thinks it looks too hard, and another part of me wonders if they would ever get finished or be placed in my 'project bag' never to see the light of day.

Another thing I love to do is cook. If I have a full day at home and I have plenty of ingredients I will happily spend the day cooking up a variety of dishes. I used to enjoy baking regularly but since eating limited sugar I limit my baking as much as possible. So now I spend my energy on making delicious meals. Chelsea Winter is my main inspiration with only a few other recipes getting a look in. I love that she uses most ingredients that I would find easily in a supermarket, provides a variety of different types of food and the results are delicious. I do tend to find that I have to double the 'preparation time' that she puts on her recipes, I think she must have a motorised garlic peeler and crusher.

So over the next few weeks, months, years of waiting and living I plan to blog about what I make and do along the way. I will share projects that I complete and meals that I have enjoyed with the recipe book that they are in (I'm not entitled to share recipes sorry, you'll have to buy the book!)

I hope that you enjoy the journey with me as we sew, cook, wait and live, together!


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