Adoption Update #5 and what 2020 holds
The months have seemed to drag on in the adoption front.
I am currently waiting to be approved to adopt in India by the Indian Central Authority (CARA). This process usually takes an average of three months. We are currently knocking on the door of nine months waiting.
Over these past nine months I have been learning some Indian cooking and some hindi words and buying some things that I know will be needed (such as a bed with a trundler so I can share a room with her for the first month or so). But doing all these things doesn't make the frustration of waiting any easier. The positive of this waiting is that I know that something will come of this... eventually. The difficulty is I can do absolutely nothing to make the process go faster.
There is good news though!
The minimum wait for me, with the specifications I have given to India, is 2-3 years (wait the good part is coming!) I believed that the 2 year waiting time started from when I was accepted by CARA but it actually is taken from when my papers were submitted to CARA which was May last year. So I have done almost nine months of that waiting already. I had thought this waiting at the moment was in vain but it really isn't. I'm waiting for my little girl! So if we look at the minimum wait time then I may be matched to Bunny sometime next year.
What's my focus for 2020 then? Well I'm usually not a New Years Resolution girl, probably because I always made weight loss a resolution and it never worked!!, but this year I have some things I want to work on for me.
Have fun. Last year I was so aware of the need to save money and pay off my loan that I forgot to have fun. During 2020 I'm planning in fun times. Dinners out, walks, picnics, movies and just time to rest and laugh. It won't be long till some of these things won't be a regular part of my life. But that's okay, I'll look for fun in different ways.
Grow in Faith. Every day is a new invitation to walk closer with God. There have been some things in my life that I have allowed to grow bigger than my faith. It's time to regain perspective.
Live in the Moment. I hear this talked about often. I regularly find myself living in tomorrow, or next week, or later this afternoon. But now is all we truly have. And there's joy in the now when we really stop to look.
Save. I still need to save for adoption and other things in my life. I have goals of how much I want to save for different things this year. I even have a picture of a bunny in my wardrobe and I colour it in as I put money into adoption. For me the visual is an incentive to see how my goal is tracking.
One other thing that I have started in 2020. As some of you may know I can be a worrier. It's something that I am trying to work on. When I'm trying to sleep seems to be the time when the worries settle in. As I notice myself worrying I now think of all the things I am grateful for in that day, or in my life in general. These can be as big as being thankful for a safe country, my house and friends to as little as being thankful for my pillow, or my hairbrush. I've noticed that a mind focused on gratitude is more able to sleep than a mind focused on worry.
I don't know what 2020 holds for you or me. But in this moment, it is good.
I am currently waiting to be approved to adopt in India by the Indian Central Authority (CARA). This process usually takes an average of three months. We are currently knocking on the door of nine months waiting.
Over these past nine months I have been learning some Indian cooking and some hindi words and buying some things that I know will be needed (such as a bed with a trundler so I can share a room with her for the first month or so). But doing all these things doesn't make the frustration of waiting any easier. The positive of this waiting is that I know that something will come of this... eventually. The difficulty is I can do absolutely nothing to make the process go faster.
There is good news though!
The minimum wait for me, with the specifications I have given to India, is 2-3 years (wait the good part is coming!) I believed that the 2 year waiting time started from when I was accepted by CARA but it actually is taken from when my papers were submitted to CARA which was May last year. So I have done almost nine months of that waiting already. I had thought this waiting at the moment was in vain but it really isn't. I'm waiting for my little girl! So if we look at the minimum wait time then I may be matched to Bunny sometime next year.
What's my focus for 2020 then? Well I'm usually not a New Years Resolution girl, probably because I always made weight loss a resolution and it never worked!!, but this year I have some things I want to work on for me.
Have fun. Last year I was so aware of the need to save money and pay off my loan that I forgot to have fun. During 2020 I'm planning in fun times. Dinners out, walks, picnics, movies and just time to rest and laugh. It won't be long till some of these things won't be a regular part of my life. But that's okay, I'll look for fun in different ways.
Grow in Faith. Every day is a new invitation to walk closer with God. There have been some things in my life that I have allowed to grow bigger than my faith. It's time to regain perspective.
Live in the Moment. I hear this talked about often. I regularly find myself living in tomorrow, or next week, or later this afternoon. But now is all we truly have. And there's joy in the now when we really stop to look.
One other thing that I have started in 2020. As some of you may know I can be a worrier. It's something that I am trying to work on. When I'm trying to sleep seems to be the time when the worries settle in. As I notice myself worrying I now think of all the things I am grateful for in that day, or in my life in general. These can be as big as being thankful for a safe country, my house and friends to as little as being thankful for my pillow, or my hairbrush. I've noticed that a mind focused on gratitude is more able to sleep than a mind focused on worry.
I don't know what 2020 holds for you or me. But in this moment, it is good.
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